Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Build Results Layout - How do you want to see it?

So after a number of problems over the past month or so, I've got almost 2.5 million characters in the database. Live queries are out of the question, because my server just doesn't have the oomph for it. So for each class, I'm going to run the top 10 overall specs, and the top 10 builds of those specs, but I'm also going to run the top 10 specs (and top 10 builds within those specs) from each tree, to show a little more diversity specwise. This will take a while, but I'll try to have stuff up before the end of the month.


Anonymous said...

I like the current was you present the information, as you did for the first 1 million characters of each class. I would just like to see it incorporate more characters.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

This is very valuabledata you have here. Would it be possible to extract racial information from the data, too? It would be interesting to see how much, if at all, the racials affect choises for builds.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the data. I've been looking everywhere for data like this. Unfortunately, like your first million data showed, most sites leave out certain trees, like the retribution paladins. I'd like to see the most popular spec within each tree that is at least 41 points.

Kuroshiro said...

So I've put up the first full report. Racial breakdowns would be interesting to see, as well as breakdowns by server type. Both of those are on the list.