Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pre 2.1: Most Popular Builds - Shaman

852 Shamans, the lowest represented class in the small Pre-2.1 sample. Let's take a look.

  1. 24 characters: 0/5/56 - Restoration with a smidge of Enhancement for a bit of extra mana.
  2. 14 characters: 0/5/56 - A minor variant of 1, swapping in Totemic Focus for Nature's Guardian.
  3. 8 characters: 0/0/61 - Gives up the Enhancement to keep both Totemic Focus and Nature's Guardian.
  4. 6 characters: 0/5/56 - Another variant of 1, only 1/3 Focused Mind in order to get 2/2 Improved Reincarnation.
  5. 4 characters: 0/42/19 - Our last build is Enhancement-oriented instead.

56/852 Shamans, that's 6.5%. A healthy percentage compared to other classes.

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